Chicago Philosophy Club

Chicago Philosophy Club

Chicago Philosophy Club
Group 1
I: Individuals and Groups
Chicago Philosophy (or Philosophical) Club. Second row, from left: Cora A. Allen (student, 1895-1896); Hermann Charles Henderson (AB, 1895; Fellow, department of Pedagogy, 1901-1902); Faith Benita Clark (Ph.B., 1896; M.PH., 1897); Louis Grant Whitehead (Fellow, department of Philosophy, 1894-1897); George Herbert Mead; John Dewey (club president, 1895-1896); Amy Eliza Tanner (Fellow, department of Philosophy, 1895-1898; Ph.D., 1898); Kiichi Tanaka ? (AB, 1895); Addison Webster Moore (Fellow, department of Philosophy, 1894-1895); Jacob Dorsey Forrest (Fellow, department of Sociology and Anthropology, 1895-1897; Ph.D., 1900). First row: unidentified woman; Edward Scribner Ames; Albertina A. Forrest (student, 1895-1896); Simon Fraser MacLennan (Fellow, department of Philosophy, 1895-1896; Ph.D., 1896); James R. Angell; Ella May Flagg; Helen Thompson Wooley.
Allen, Cora A. | Henderson, Hermann Charles | Clark, Faith Benita, died 1900 | Whitehead, Louis Grant | Tanner, Amy Eliza | Clubs (Associations)
Photographic prints; 34.0 x 49.6 cm
Archival Photographic Files
University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center

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